Defy Ageism! We play a pivotal role in community integration of the South Sudanese People here in Edmonton, through poverty alleviation and healthy living projects for the Sudanese community.
The leading digital magazine for Black & Aboriginal Senior health & fitness issues in Canada brought to you by South Sudan Multicultural Council funded by ESDC.
Discover podcasts that entertain, inform, and inspire seniors as they age gracefully. We have tons of content for our golden age folk to enjoy.
South Sudan committed to peace in wake of foiled rebel coup, Kiir tells UN.
South Sudan Multicultural Council is a non-profit organization, works in partnership with the ESDC to improve livelihoods and health of South Sudanese people living in Edmonton, Canada.
SSMC Projects
Faced with child soldiers (who are now Seniors), scarred and victimised refugees – the South Sudan Center is amongst one of other Sudanese Non- Profits runs projects gearing up and geared to tackle the calamity of its ageing populace.
Defy Ageism Seniors Fitness Project
Seniors Magazine
Seniors Podcast
Food Bank & Newcomer/Refugee Settlement
Defy Ageism with our Seniors Fitness Videos, Podcast & Website for Seniors mental & Physical well being.
This NHS-Project, (New Horizon For Seniors Project) funded by Gvt Canada’s ESDC, addresses ageism via a Seniors Fitness App, Podcast, & Website for Seniors Mental & Physical well-being.
By allowing Seniors to run and be in control of their own Project via a Senior Editorial and Task Force Committee- and by allowing them to run the podcasts – SSMC shall capacitate seniors and make them the health tool “mouthpieces”. Seniors and SSMC shall portray both the exercises and healthy food/ diet and recipes on monthly Website and Newsletter.
The pain, stigma and after effects caused by Covid 19- though still lingering with us and the Seniors, shall be ameliorated by the engagement of senior exercises and that will keep seniors engaged. Further, a Seniors Editorial Board shall collate the info and experiences and tabulate them in the Podcasts, Website and Newsletter. By being constantly engaged the project addresses senior social isolation , thus supporting healthy aging. It also bridges the gap between seniors and the youth, through mentorship and operating across all functions. Further National Priorities are advanced because the benefits of the Seniors Fit App- and recipes and healthy dietary tips are not restricted only to South Sudanese- but are open for all and sundry.
By being at the forefront of this Project, seniors are constantly mentally alert, fit and engaged and this addresses ageism, dementia and mental health. The showcasing via Podcast, Website and Newsletter promotes intergenerational mentoring and cultural diversity.
Elderly Strength Training And Exercises For Seniors
How to Improve Your Elderly Endurance
We need to stretch for our elderly flexibility
Meet The Coordinators
The SSMC has is operation since 2021 and was federally incorporated in 2022. It plays a pivotal role in community intergration of the South Sudanese people based in Edmonton through poverty alleviation projects, a quarterly Food Bank Drive and now the Seniors Fitness Website and App.
Moses Madera
Founded by Moses Madera and run by an Executive Board of Directors and assisted by an Advisory Council. Anyone interested in joining this Council is free to join.
Tatenda Sithole
With his experience in digital product development and web applications, Tatenda brings a fresh perspective to the SSMC.
Happy Taskforce, Happy Seniors!
Our Seniors Task Force Committee was established to assist SSMC in undertaking the mandate to create and manage projects targeting South Sudanese Seniors.
SSMC Sponsors
The SSMC is funded by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) through community based stream of the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP). Find all our sponsors and partner organisations below;