Food Bank & Newcomer/ Refugee Resettlement Project
Food Bank & Newcomer/ Refugee Resettlement Project
The Food Bank & Resettlement Project
The SSMC plays a pivotal role in community integration of the South Sudanese People here in Edmonton, through Poverty alleviation projects, a quarterly Food Bank Drive to assist the poor, the Seniors and needy of the Sudanese community and have been instrumental in poverty alleviation projects and elder abuse prevention. Our Organization has assisted the South Sudanese Community and African community here in Edmonton by distributing to them free Facial masks, and other Personal Protection Equipment during the Covid-19 and post Covid era, and shall continue to donate such material to these Communities and others as part of our community –outreach programs.
Facial Masks and Personal Protective Material for Seniors and Refugees can be attained courtesy of PD- PPE Manufacturing Company, one of our Partners.
Food Bank Location is handled every bi- week, at Jimmy Pizza Location at 11718 82St, New Edmonton, AB, T5B2W1