
Elderly Strength Training And Exercises For Seniors

Yes, some seniors can be frail and have low energy reserves but most of us will respond well to moderate sessions of weight training. Numerous studies have shown that strength training for seniors and other exercises for seniors done regularly not only builds up bone and muscle but counteracts the weakness and frailty that usually comes with aging.

Exercising your muscles will increase not only your muscular strength but also your muscular endurance which is the ability to repeat a movement over and over again.Start an elderly and seniors strength training program today!

Check with your doctor and ask if there are any precautions you should take.

Generally most seniors and elderly can safely begin a fitness program. 


Elderly strength training for seniors and exercises for seniors can help with:

Osteoporosis which is a condition in which skeletal material begins to weaken and deteriorate. This can cause deformity and fractures in your spine and hips.

Arthritis which is in the form of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This condition will attack your joint cartilage and synovial membrane respectively.

Balance which declines as we age often as a result of muscular strength and tone.

Pulmonary disease which are mostly categorized as COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Some relief of symptoms may be possible with strengthening programs of the abdomen and chest muscles.

Obesity problems can benefit with a low intensity program to reduce the risk of orthopedic injury.

Diabetes Type II, exercise can help control blood sugar enhancing your quality of life.

Back problems can be improved with stretches and strengthening focused on the lumbar and sacral area.

General safety guidelines for elderly strength training for seniors and exercises for seniors

Make sure  you warm up at least 10 minutes before exercise and cool down for at least 10 minutes after exercise.

Some soreness in the muscle belly can be expected but stop the exercise if you feel pain in your joints.

Maintain a good upright posture during all exercises.

Don’t hold your breath while exercising. Make sure you breathe on the exertion part of the exercise

Don’t grip your weights tightly

All movements should be done in a slow to moderate and deliberate manner.

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